

Kamis, 19 Maret 2020 17:02:56 by ,Dilihat : 696 x

Peer Review Jurnal Agstinus Budi Santoso

Jumat, 10 Januari 2020 11:38:35 by ,Dilihat : 520 x

Peer Review Jurnal Agstinus Budi Santoso

Jurnal Agustinus Budi Santoso + Cover dll

Jumat, 10 Januari 2020 11:35:37 by ,Dilihat : 609 x

Jurnal Agustinus Budi Santoso + Cover dll


Kamis, 09 Januari 2020 17:58:01 by ,Dilihat : 469 x

diguankan untuk keperluan BKD 20181, 20182, 20191

Peer Review

Senin, 06 Januari 2020 02:01:44 by ,Dilihat : 473 x

The company's financial managerial performance is heavily based on several factors in the decision making process. The factor analysis indicated on several factors independent variables are information technology and information systems of taxation. Both variables are the gauge of their influence on managerial performance in some manufacturing industries. This study was aimed to prove empirically the influence of information technology and information system on financial manager performance of manufacturing companies in Semarang district. The research data collection process through interview and questionnaire on with random data of 95 respondents with purposive sampling method. Analysis of data used with validity and reliability tests, testing using T test, F test and coefficient of determination. The results of this study showed there was

The company's financial managerial performance is heavily based on several factors in the decision making process. The factor analysis indicated on several factors independent variables are information technology and information systems of taxation. Both variables are the gauge of their influence on managerial performance in some manufacturing industries. This study was aimed to prove empirically the influence of information technology and information system on financial manager performance of manufacturing companies in Semarang district. The research data collection process through interview and questionnaire on with random data of 95 respondents with purposive sampling method. Analysis of data used with validity and reliability tests, testing using T test, F test and coefficient of determination. The results of this study showed there was

The company's financial managerial performance is heavily based on several factors in the decision making process. The factor analysis indicated on several factors independent variables are information technology and information systems of taxation. Both variables are the gauge of their influence on managerial performance in some manufacturing industries. This study was aimed to prove empirically the influence of information technology and information system on financial manager performance of manufacturing companies in Semarang district. The research data collection process through interview and questionnaire on with random data of 95 respondents with purposive sampling method. Analysis of data used with validity and reliability tests, testing using T test, F test and coefficient of determination. The results of this study showed there was

Infant health can be known one of them through the assessment of nutritional status. In general, Body Mass Index (BMI) has been used as a method for measuring the nutritional status of children. If there are two children who have same body weight and height, they may have different nutritional status. Whenever this occurs, the use of BMI for measuring the nutritional status shall be deemed less accurate. The anthropometry will be vital in measuring the nutritional statuss. The guidelines for determining the nutritional status Anthropometry parameters are selected and recommended which includes an assessment of the age, weight, body length or height. This research aims to build a model of C4.5 adaboost so it can recognize patterns and be

Akustik bangunan merupakan faktor penting dalam perancangan arsitektural pada bangunan untuk mengendalikan kebisingan yang berlebihan dalam bangunan sehingga diperoleh kondisi suara yang ideal di dalam maupun di luar ruangan. Salah satu upaya pengendalian kebisingan dalam bangunan adalah dengan menerapkan desain atrium yang tepat sebagai pereduksi kebisingan. Tujuan utama penelitian untuk mengetahui fungsi atrium sebagai pereduksi kebisingan terutama pada bangunan bertingkat sehingga diperoleh kenyamanan akustikal. Simulasi program komputer merupakan perangkat desain untuk merencanakan desain atrium terutama dalam bangunan bertingkat untuk memperoleh kondisi suara yang ideal dalam bangunan. Produk yang diinginkan adalah desain atrium (ruang terbuka) sebagai alternatif bagi pemecahan rmasalah akustik lingkungan dan akustik bangunan, terutama pada bangunan bertingkat karena diharapkan berfungsi sebagai pereduksi kebisingan yang efektif.

Keberadaan pedestrian area, yang dapat mewadahi untuk kegiatan pejalan kaki dan pengendara sepeda serta kejelasan alur untuk perpindahan moda sangat diperlukan. Pada kawasan pasar Johar tidak adanya kejelasan fungsi pedestrian area yang terlihat. Pedestrian area yang seharusnya dimanfaatkan untuk pejalan kaki dan pergantian moda, banyak berganti fungsi atau di okupansi oleh kegiatan lain seperti parkir, pedagang kaki lima, dan sebagainya. Sifat pedestrian yang tidak menerus juga sangat mengganggu bagi pejalan kaki. Metode penelitian dengan melakukan identifikasi unit penelitian meliputi: bentuk dan ukuran pedestrian yang disediakan, tingkat pola Kejelasan fungsi dan kenyamanan pedestrian area juga sangat penting dan sangat diperlukan bagi orang penyandang cacat (disable people). Perlunya penataan ulang area pedestrian baik yang berupa hallway, storefront maupun square untuk mengurangi penyimpangan