
The employee attendance is proof of the presence of an employee in the office or where he works. It is one of the factors assessing the discipline of an employee, whether the employee often arrives late, permits, or does not enter work. On CV. Sumber Lumas Semarang, the owner will cut the salary out for employees who arrive late or those who do not work for specific reason. Because of that, there are employees who do unfair to their manual attendance to avoid salary deductions. Another reason is the human error, calculation error, which was conducted by the owners. There are many ways that can be done by the owner to collect data. One of them is using fingerprint attendance

Abstract Digital information in the economic science developed in the upstream and downstream sectors. Developments are followed by many UKM using digital technology in marketing. The forecasting uses the Exponential Smoothing algorithm Exponential Smoothing method is a procedure of continuous repairs on the latest forecasting of data. UKM Batik Tinctori Natural Dye is one of the batik producers who produce batik from customer orders and fulfill distributor requests from batik trendsThe demand of customers and distributors has an effect on the number of production batik of Tinctori Natural Dye UKM which has resulted in any batik trend that is in demand in the following month. Forecasting is calculated using the Exponential Smoothing method and Eviews software and manual comparison to

The development of technology has entered the digital era of mobile, which required information media is more than just print brochures and official website, because it offered a solution for the design of a medium that can be run through mobile devices based on Android that are engaging, interactive, and follow the latest technology that augmented reality and virtual reality. The method used in this design is the System Development Life Cycle or SDLC, while supporting software used is Unity3D and Vuforia. Results from this study is the successful mobile AR and 3D-VR Walkthrough to implement and complete the on-campus media STEKOM information which has been used. Keywords: augmented reality; virtual reality; e-brosur; android; stekom

The concept of affordance comes from ecological psychology proposed by James Gibson to show the possibility of actions given to actors by the environment. Something has a quality to understand, where they are capable of being something when they are felt. Product perception is connected with the perception of its function. Affordance as a perception of meaning by combining the functions and meanings of a product. Thus, the meaning of a product will make what the product is capable of. People treat products from their environment according to the affordance of the product. Good product design is intuitive, can be used without thinking hard. Design that allows us, by seeing it we can do things directly and correctly. The concept

Investasi Valuta Asing

Jumat, 18 Januari 2019 18:56:51 by ,Dilihat : 786 x

Puji syukur kehadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, bahwa buku Investasi Valuta Asing ini telah selesai ditulis oleh penulis. Buku ini berisi pelajaran praktis tentang bagaimana cara memahami dasar usaha investasi jual beli valuta asing secara online, dengan menganalisa pergerakan harga valuta asing, menggunakan analisa teknikal, fundamental dan sentimen pasar, untuk membuat keputusan transaksi jual beli demi keuntungan secara finansial akibat perbedaan selisih nilai tukar mata uang antar negara. Setelah membaca buku ini, diharapkan para pembaca mampu berinvestasi dalam usaha jual beli valuta asing secara online serta mampu melakukan transaksi jual beli yang menguntungkan dari berbagai macam valuta asing yang tersedia di pasaran berdasarkan analisa teknikal, fundamental serta sentiment. Semoga apa yang diuraikan dalam buku ini dapat memberi dampak yang besar

Internet Marketing

Jumat, 18 Januari 2019 19:00:13 by ,Dilihat : 851 x

Puji syukur kehadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, bahwa buku Pengantar Internet Marketing ini telah selesai ditulis oleh penulis. Buku ini berisi pelajaran praktis tentang bagaimana cara memahami dasar-dasar pemasaran melalui Internet (Internet Marketing) yang merupakan aplikasi dari transaksi elektronik (e-commerce) menggunakan aplikasi Opencart, melalui domain serta hosting yang disewa sendiri serta Internet Marketing di jaringan internet dengan menggunakan Search Engine Optimation. Setelah membaca buku ini, diharapkan para pembaca mampu memasarkan dan menjual barang secara online atau memasarkan jasa secara online dengan menggunakan aplikasi e-Commerce Opencart, mengoptimasikan situs dengan metode Search Engine Optimation, cara mengelola konsumen serta produk yang terjual, maupun retur barang secara online. Semuanya telah dikupas tuntas secara praktis, sehingga semua orang dapat belajar sendiri untuk memasarkan produknya sendiri

Audit manajemen sangat penting bagi perguruan tinggi selain untuk pemeriksaan dan penilaian manajemen teknologi informasi dalam proses bisnis berjalan secara efisien dan efektif. Keamanan teknologi informasi sebagai upaya pengendalian internal untuk meminimalisir resiko dan ancaman keamanan, selain itu semua kegiatan pembelajaran dan administrasi perkuliah mengunakan teknologi informasi. Untuk mencari tahu bagaimana keamanan teknologi informasi sedang berjalan, kebutuhan akan audit untuk memastikan keamanan informasi dijalankan sesuai dengan prosedur. Standar yang digunakan framework International Standarization Organization (ISO) 27001: 2005 dipilih karena framework tersebut dapat di sesuaikan dengan instrumen tempat penelitian tergantung pada kebutuhan organisasi dikembangkan dan difokuskan pada Sistem Manajemen Keamanan Informasi (SMKI). Hasil, keseluruhan penelitian JPA= PA1: PA10, NA= JPA/10 menghasilkan nilai akhir rata-rata 65%. Berarti, menunjukan level positif, namun belum

Management audit is very important for any colleges towards the examination and assesment of their information technology management to gain efficient and effective business running process. Information technology security as an effort of internal controlling for risk and threat security minimization, is mainly considered due to all learning and lecturing administration activities use information technology. To find out how secure technology information is, it is then recquiring an audit to make sure everything run based on procedure. Standard used is framework international standardization organization (ISO) 27001: 2005. It ischosen because framework can be adjusted with instrument of the research used in the organization. It is then developed and focused on information security management system (SMKI). As a results, all have

Audit manajemen sangat penting bagi perguruan tinggi selain untuk pemeriksaan dan penilaian manajemen teknologi informasi dalam proses bisnis berjalan secara efisien dan efektif. Keamanan teknologi informasi sebagai upaya pengendalian internal untuk meminimalisir resiko dan ancaman keamanan, selain itu semua kegiatan pembelajaran dan administrasi perkuliah mengunakan teknologi informasi. Untuk mencari tahu bagaimana keamanan teknologi informasi sedang berjalan, kebutuhan akan audit untuk memastikan keamanan informasi dijalankan sesuai dengan prosedur. Standar yang digunakan framework International Standarization Organization (ISO) 27001: 2005 dipilih karena framework tersebut dapat di sesuaikan dengan instrumen tempat penelitian tergantung pada kebutuhan organisasi dikembangkan dan difokuskan pada Sistem Manajemen Keamanan Informasi (SMKI). Hasil, keseluruhan penelitian JPA = PA1:PA10, NA=JPA/10 menghasilkan nilai akhir rata-rata 65%. Berarti, menunjukan level positif, namun belum sesuai