
Seiring dengan program KEMENRISTEKDIKBUD mengenai merdeka belajar, terdapat delapan indikator kinerja utama yang perlu diimplementasikan. Pada indikator ke -5 dosen tidak lagi hanya mampu mengajar di dalam kelas, namun transformasi pendidikan Perguruan Tinggi mengarahkan untuk mendiseminasikan hasil kinerja dosen dapat digunakan di masyarakat dan dapat pengakuan dari internasional. Tentunya, transformasi ini akan menjadi hal dan fokus penting bagaimana dosen dapat bersinergi dari lintas program studi untuk memberikan pengetahuan baru yang berkontibusi positif bagi masyarakat.


Senin, 31 Mei 2021 11:11:23 by ,Dilihat : 380 x

Sertifikat TOEP - Edy Jogatama Purhita

Senin, 19 April 2021 18:40:49 by ,Dilihat : 411 x

Sertifikat TOEP EJP dari PLTI

Membuat Video Pembelajaran Inovatif & Kreatif

Kamis, 15 April 2021 09:46:44 by ,Dilihat : 276 x

Discussion of this research to analyze the resilience of financial well-being derived from financial literacy and the impact of financial inclusion through financial attitudes. A total of 239 respondents were distributed to MSME businesses, especially with data collection techniques in the form of questionnaires and interviews. SEM-PLS compound path analysis was used in this study for data from path analysis mediated by financial attitude on financial well-being resilience. The results of the study there is a positive correlation between the direct relationship of financial literacy and financial inclusion in financial attitudes, as well as positive relationships between financial literacy and financial inclusion through financial attitudes on financial well-being resilience. Then there is the direct positive contribution of financial attitudes to

HASIL PENILAIAN SEJAWAT SEBIDANG ATAU PEER REVIEW KARYA ILMIAH : JURNAL INTERNASIONAL Judul Karya Ilmiah (artikel : Application of Fuzzy Inference System using Tsukamoto technique as Strategy management (Case: Sales "Custom Case") Nama Penulis : Rosida Vivin Nahari, Mars Caroline Wibowo, Syafrida Hafni Sahir, Nasrul, Arifin,