
Inovasi Hemat: Hegemoni Jejaring UMKM

Senin, 25 April 2022 18:29:16 by ,Dilihat : 266 x

KETAHANAN UMKM di tengah badai Covid-19 menjadi topik panas untuk mampu bangkit memulihkan ekonomi nasional. Namun, petumbuhan ekonomi masih berdetak perlahan menuju keadaan ekonomi sebelum pandemi. Tindakan setiap wirausahawan masih butuh waktu beradaptasi untuk berdamai dengan virus ini. Akankah kualitas hegemoni jejaring UMKM mampu bangkit? Bank Indonesia dan seluruh kantor perwakilan didalam serta luar negeri, Menteri Koordinator Maritim dan Investasi, Menteri Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif, Menteri Koperasi dan UKM serta Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan mendukung komitmen program onboarding UMKM ke platform digital/marketplace. Melalui program Gerakan Nasional Bangga Buatan Indonesia (Gernas BBI) dan Gerakan Nasional Bangga Berwisata di Indonesia Aja (Gernas BWI) sejak Mei 2020 hingga Juli 2021, sebanyak 7,2 juta UMKM telah onboarding. Pernyataan ini disampaikan dalam acara Puncak Karya

Manajemen strategik

Senin, 18 April 2022 10:40:31 by ,Dilihat : 253 x

Book Chapter Manajemen Stratejik ISBN: 9786235967387

To be more competitive, the growth of the creative economy requires customer interaction. This necessitates the use of social media marketing as an efficient marketing platform for products or services based on the existing brand image. The purpose of this study was to examine the role of customer engagement in mediating brand image from relational social media marketing, as well as the role of brand image in mediating consumer engagement from relational social media marketing. The sampling approach is probability sampling, and the method is quantitative. With the sampling approach used, simple random sampling through the distribution of questionnaires, data was collected from 100 respondents. The results of the data analysis were then processed using SPSS 25 software. According to

Buku Ajar: Manajemen Pemasaran

Kamis, 14 April 2022 15:37:58 by ,Dilihat : 331 x

Buku ini dipergunakan untuk mengampu Mata Kuliah Manajemen Pemasaran Progdi Bisnis

Rising entrepreneurial and organizational resilience will trigger resilient MSMEs to address the challenges of enterprise growth dynamics. The aim of this discussion is to see how successful smart seller proactive capabilities are at connecting entrepreneurial and organizational resilience in resilient MSMEs, as well as how environmental turbulence affects the relationship between smart seller proactive capabilities and resilient MSMEs. A total of 126 people were given the opportunity to test the MSME sector as well as data collection methods through questionnaires and interviews. The outcomes of this analysis indication a positive correlation between entrepreneurial and organizational resilience and smart seller constructive capabilities, a positive relationship between smart seller capabilities and resilient MSMEs, and a positive effect of entrepreneurial resilience's direct influence

Seiring dengan program KEMENRISTEKDIKBUD mengenai merdeka belajar, terdapat delapan indikator kinerja utama yang perlu diimplementasikan. Pada indikator ke -5 dosen tidak lagi hanya mampu mengajar di dalam kelas, namun transformasi pendidikan Perguruan Tinggi mengarahkan untuk mendiseminasikan hasil kinerja dosen dapat digunakan di masyarakat dan dapat pengakuan dari internasional. Tentunya, transformasi ini akan menjadi hal dan fokus penting bagaimana dosen dapat bersinergi dari lintas program studi untuk memberikan pengetahuan baru yang berkontibusi positif bagi masyarakat.

Discussion of this research to analyze the resilience of financial well-being derived from financial literacy and the impact of financial inclusion through financial attitudes. A total of 239 respondents were distributed to MSME businesses, especially with data collection techniques in the form of questionnaires and interviews. SEM-PLS compound path analysis was used in this study for data from path analysis mediated by financial attitude on financial well-being resilience. The results of the study there is a positive correlation between the direct relationship of financial literacy and financial inclusion in financial attitudes, as well as positive relationships between financial literacy and financial inclusion through financial attitudes on financial well-being resilience. Then there is the direct positive contribution of financial attitudes to

The Covid-19 pandemic that hit the world including Indonesia had an impact on all aspects, one of which was the economic aspect. MSMEs are the most affected, where 50% of MSMEs are forced to go out of business because economic activities are stopped suddenly, and demand decreases. MSME turnover has dropped dramatically by around 40%-70%. Business people, especially MSMEs, have to start adapting to the new normal to maintain their business. At this webinar, various solutions will be given to the confusion of the community, especially MSME entrepreneurs, where they can choose the tips and solutions offered that are suitable to be applied according to their fields to survive and even grow during a pandemic, starting from business opportunities, to

The purpose of this research is to propose the design of the computerized system of cash receipts and expenditures by using Visual Basic Net application that contributes to making it easier to design forms, reports, and programming. Problems are briefly known in the system is still conventional in manual recording and the absence of quality information that can measure user performance. The methods offered in solving this with research and development methods in the form of visual basic net programs. Research instruments are carried out by direct survey by identifying problems through interviews and the dissemination of questionnaires. Contribution through accounting system with the visual basic net application provides positive results in improving the performance of receiving processing and cash

Reviewer Conference International from Universitas STEKOM Conference AIPBM Keynote Speakers: 1. Associate Prof. Dr. Daisy Kee Mui Hung (Universiti SAINS Malaysia) 2. Mr. Gary Leong (Director Industry 4.0 and Ecosystem Development) 3. Dr. Sai Ling Gwee (General Manager of Penang Youth Development Corporation) 4. Dr. Rajesh Kumar Nair (SIES College of Management Sudies, India)